April 28, 2009

Life Is Like A Yo-Yo!

There are so many ups and downs in life. I guess that is what keeps it interesting. Over the weekend our beloved dog ran away. It was dramatic and traumatic for the boys, especially. We finally tracked him down to a neighbors house 2 doors down. We were excited to get him back, but the family that found him were not excited to give him back. They, too, have four children and one of the boys cried when we took him home. We are going to make a thank you card and cookies to take to them. I wish I had it done so I could show you, but life is crazy busy with VBS. So I am going to show you some canvases I painted 2 years ago for VBS. These hung in the church like they were windows. Afterwards, we auctioned them off to help raise money for the next year. I think the igloo one is my favorite. What's yours? Have a great day!


  1. So glad to hear Quincy is back home safe! Since you asked, my fav is the penguin with the other penguins making a snowman in the background.

  2. I have to pick just one...I love them all!!!!  They are way too cute!!!!  Do you put anything on Etsy???  If you don't you should google it!!!!  You are very talented!!!!Blessings,Dannielle Reunion Church
