June 12, 2009

I Survived!

What an amazing week! I was much less stressed out than last year. I guess I really have learned from experience. I am showing you a few more shots of the decor and the last crafts.
Here is some dock walking into the church.

Here is that Madagascar welcome sign.

Here are the Bible points on the movie prop along with Jacques Le Croc. That handsome guy is my oldest son. This was his first year as I guide and I am so proud of him. He really stepped up and led the preschoolers well.

This is one of the crafts. The kids stuffed them. I should have retaken a picture of it actually stuffed because it is very cute. I just can't muster up the energy.
The baby food jar lanterns turned out really cute. I changed them a little from this picture. They don't have the dragonflies. Instead they have buttons. I would have taken a picture of my boys' but besides not having enough energy, they both dropped and broke them.
The clean up was quick. It's almost disgusting how much quicker it is to take down than it is to set up. There are three other churches that will use our decorations. What a blessing to be able to pass them along and not just have them used for one week. I hope their VBS week is as awesome as ours was. I am not bragging about anything I did, I just feel the kids had a great time learning about God. I love that they are able to use all their senses to make the connection and build their relationships.

Have a fabulous weekend and don't call me before 8 tomorrow!


  1. amazing! i can't thank you enough for all the heart and soul you put into the vbs for the kids. you are such an inspiration

  2. Thanks for allowing Group VBS to share some of your decorating ideas. Looking at your blog helped spark some ideas for our VBS coming up in July. Thanks again and God bless.
